If you are injured in an accident caused by an Uber or Lyft driver or a hit and run driver, you have many options to recover your damages. Damages that are recoverable include ambulance bills, hospital bills, doctor bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. In most cases, the crucial questions are which insurance company pays the injured party or parties and how much do the injured receive. A Long Beach personal injury attorney can help you to determine who should be held liable for your injuries.
For passengers on Uber or Lyft who sustain injuries in an accident where the rideshare driver was at fault, Uber’s and Lyft’s insurance carriers are responsible. They carry liability limits of $1 million, so rideshare passengers are well protected. These $1 million rideshare policies also cover non-passengers injured by an Uber/Lyft driver, such as pedestrians, bicyclists, and other motorists.
If the accident fault belongs to someone other than the Uber/Lyft driver, then that other person’s insurance carrier is responsible for paying the damages. Some cases fall into a gray area where it is difficult to determine who is at fault or fault may be shared. In these cases, it is particularly important for injured parties to hire an experienced Long Beach personal injury attorney who understands how to compel insurance companies to give their clients the best possible settlements.
What if you are hit by an Uber/Lyft driver who is not transporting a passenger? If the driver’s app was turned off, they are considered off duty. In that case, Uber’s and Lyft’s insurance carriers bear no responsibility, and liability belongs to that driver’s personal auto insurance carrier (all Uber/Lyft drivers carry personal insurance). A gray area exists if the app was on at the time of the accident. If it can be established that the driver was performing a work-related task, Uber/Lyft insurance pays. If this cannot be established, liability may belong to the driver’s personal insurance. If you are injured by a rideshare driver, an attorney with Pacific Coast Injury Law Center can negotiate the best settlement for your case.
Hit and run drivers are responsible for accidents they cause; however, recovery for the victim can be complicated by the fact that the hit and run driver may have no insurance or assets. Most California drivers are, however, protected by their own insurance against uninsured, hit-and-run drivers. In hit and run cases, immediately contact experienced personal injury attorneys in Los Angeles to get you the compensation you deserve.
Free consultations:
Our firm provides free consultations to victims and family members. We will travel to your location and review your case with you.
At Pacific Coast Injury Law Center, we take motor vehicle accident cases on a contingency-fee basis. This means that we do not charge any legal fees unless we make a recovery for you. When we do secure financial compensation for your damages, our fees are paid as an agreed upon percentage of that settlement.
Most accidents are unexpected and almost always stressful. Sometimes accidents are unavoidable no matter how much care or precaution you take. If you are in a motor vehicle accident or slip/trip and fall, we are here to help you.
If you or your loved one has been a motor vehicle accident, give us a call today.